

Restore Your Smile

Dental Implants

Having a missing tooth is more than just a cosmetic issue. Over time, the other teeth in your mouth will adjust to fill the gap, and can even pull out of their sockets (which is quite painful). Having a missing tooth can also affect your self-confidence, causing you to try to hide your smile. This can not only change the way people view you, but it may affect your professional relationships as well. Dental implants are used to fill the gap left by a missing tooth, and generally consist of an artificial tooth root that is capped with a replacement tooth. This can prevent more serious dental issues from developing, and can help improve the cosmetic appearance of your smile. Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, and can improve your ability to chew and speak correctly.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Unlike partial dentures, crowns, or bridges, dental implants do not require a significant portion of the surrounding teeth to be removed. Additionally, dental implants can help to minimize the occurrence of receding gums and bone loss that can occur with traditional dentures. Dental implants have a very high success rate, and there are generally very few complications reported with their installation.It is important to note that while dental implants are an effective and permanent replacement for your natural teeth, they still need to be treated with care. Once you have received your dental implants, you will need to continue your habits of regular brushing and flossing, as well as bi-annual visits to your dentist's office for cleanings and checkups. The artificial teeth often last anywhere between 10 and 15 years, but your dentist will need to check for any damage that may occur.

The Three Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants are available in three types today:

  • Endoteal implants are surgically placed into the jawbone using dental screws. This option provides superior support and stability than that offered by removable dentures and dental bridges. This is the most common form of dental implants used in dentistry today.
  • Superiosteal implants involve placing a small post into the gum, with the implant resting on the jaw. This option is generally only used for patients who have compromised or minimal jaw bone structure, or for patients who are not able to wear dentures for any reason.
  • Mini dental implants are considered to be one of the most significant advances in modern dentistry in the past 25 years. Mini dental implants are often used to assist patients who already wear removable dentures. These feature the latest dental technology and can be placed in around an hour. Mini implants provide improved stability for dentures, and most patients report they experience greater comfort, and an improved ability to eat and speak normally. Mini implants require no stitches or cutting of the gums and the process of having them placed is generally pain-free. Tens of thousands of patients who have used this option have said that their mini dental implants were an affordable solution that allowed them to smile with confidence once more.

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an excellent remedy for a number of dental health issues. If you are missing a single tooth due to decay or trauma, or if you would like to eliminate the need for temporary dentures, dental implants may be a solution. Dental implants can also be used to provide additional support for your removable dentures, restoring your ability to eat and speak comfortably and correctly. Whether you're missing a single tooth or even several teeth, dental implants can be an excellent option for you.

If you have questions about dental implants or would like to see if you would be a good candidate for having a dental implant placed, call our office today at 310-378-9241 to schedule a consultation. Our caring and professional staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and we look forward to helping you achieve a smile you can be proud to show off once more.

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